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   A 56-year-old-male is referred to you because of generalized edema and increasing abdominal girth. Eight years ago, the patient underwent 5-vessel coronary artery bypass (CABS) surgery. Six years, he underwent radiation therapy for lymphoma. Comormidities include Type II diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia and tobacco abuse. He has 2-pillow orthopnea and mild exertional dyspnea but denies paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND) and recurrance of angina.

   Physical examination reveals marked anasarca. BP is 100/60 mm Hg. Pulse is 80/min and regular. Neck veins are distended to the angle of the jaw in the sitting position. There are no murmurs but an extra sound is noted in early to mid-diastole. Breath sounds are diminished at the bases.Tyhere are no rales. Abdominal girth is increased and there is a fluid thrill with shifting dullness. There is scrotal edema and 3+ pitting edema of the legs.

What is the most likely diagnosis?

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