Left Coronary Artery LAO View 1 |
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blue arrow for the second portion of this section. The "straight" LAO view of the left coronary artery is limited by overlap and foreshortening of the proximal vessels, particularly the circumflex system. However, a steep (50 to 60 degrees) may be of value in studying:
A very steep or left lateral projection may lay out the obtuse marginal artery when other LAO projections are less helpful. |
The picture on the top left is a 3-Dimensional
rendering of a left coronary artery system that is spinning along the
AP-LAO axis. You may click on the buttons to freeze and label the animation
in the AP and LAO projections. The picture on the top right is a still image in the LAO projection. Note the overlap of the circumflex branches. However, the origin and the trunk of the diagonal is nicely laid out. When you have completed review of this screen, please click the "Next page" blue arrow for the second portion of this section. |
Left Coronary Artery LAO View 1 |