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  This segment of the site was created to emulate teching patient rounds performed by an experienced clinical cardiologist and covers a wide spectrum of cardiovascular problems. The majority of the cases are based on actual patients while other cases have been modified to emphasize a clinical pearl. You will be presented a case or clinical information and requested for a single best answer. Instant feedback will be provided.

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Dr. Abdulla M. Abdulla
Clinical Professor of Medicine and Former Chief, Section of Cardiology
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA

DISCLAIMER: The medical information provided in this lecture is meant to present practicing physicians, cardiology fellows, medical residents, students and health care providers with case studies that highlight the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disesaes. It is hoped that this information would be of value in preparing for Boards and other certifying examinations. When ever possible, evidence-based medicine is given a high priority. Under no circumstance should the information replace the information obtained from current text books, medicine formulary recommendations and published studies. Rapid advances in medicine may cause some information to become outdated, invalid or subject to debate. Despite our best efforts, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. and physicians and management assume no responsibility for how the presented information is used by the participant.
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